The NaWaCC project

The NaWaCC project is a three-year project funded by the French and the German research agencies (the ANR and the DFG). Its budget amounts to 385,978€. The project started in May 2018 and will end in April 2022.


France and Germany are two major countries of immigration in Europe. In 2010, foreign-born individuals represented 7.2% and 6.3% of their respective population. Although the economic situation in France and Germany differs a lot in the aftermath of the 2008 crisis (including different dynamics regarding inequality and unemployment) the recent increase in asylum demands and illegal immigration has raised a vivid debate on the strictness of immigration policies in both countries. The economic consequences of immigration, especially for native workers, are at the centre of this debate.

In three scientific work-packages, this project will investigate the impact of immigrant workers on natives’ jobs and wages. We will go beyond the existing literature by investigating why the impact of immigrants varies across countries.

Project partnership

Research team funded by the ANR

Main partner organisation: Lille University & LEM-CNRS


Research team funded by the DFG

Main partner organisation: Department of Economics at Bielefeld University


Other project participants:

Publication et working papers


Upcoming events

Past events


For any question concerning the NaWaCC project, please contact Léa Marchal: lea[.]marchal[at]univ[-]paris1[.]fr